Quick Start Research Toolkit

Welcome to Lane Library's Quick Start Research Toolkit

The Quick Start Research Toolkit is designed to rapidly orient Stanford students, staff, and faculty to key library resources, tools, and services. Based on a Lane Library workshop of the same name, the guide is built around a core set of research tasks: from the basics of how to find books, journals and articles; to tips for exploring databases like PubMed and Web of Science; to tools that support writing and publishing.

After going through this guide, you should be able to

  • Efficiently locate and use library materials and services
  • Identify strategies for increasing the impact of your research
  • Organize your citations/PDFs and generate bibliographies with Zotero
  • Better utilize the search features of Pubmed
  • Confidently explore databases beyond PubMed and get better search results from Google
  • Utilize some of Lane’s biomedical image tools
  • Explore a variety of resources for keeping current

For upcoming live sessions of the Quick Start Research Toolkit, see the list of upcoming classes below.

To request an on-demand version of this workshop for your research group, cohort, etc, contact your Library Liaison.

Upcoming Classes & Events

  • No events are scheduled.