Katie Wullert is a PhD candidate in Sociology at Stanford University. Broadly, her research examines the role of gendered, racialized, and classed stereotypes in crafting images of the ideal worker that serve as barriers to increasing diversity in the workplace. Her dissertation work draws on interview and survey data to examine how job search experiences act as learning processes to inform job seekers' understandings of who is 'right' for a job in highly gendered and classed ways. She is also a committed instructor and mentor, working with students both in the classroom and on research, and she has taught and TA'd courses on gender and work, social psychology, statistics, and social theory.
Colleen Cuddy has a master of arts in American and English literature and a master of library science degree. She is the Director of Research and Academic Collaboration at Lane Medical Library, Stanford University where she oversees data and research services, user experience and communication, access services, and the Medical History Center. Colleen is currently pursuing a PhD in organizational development and change with a focus on gender and racial inequities in research universities.
Katie Stinson is a Library Specialist at the Lane Medical Library. She is on the front lines at the library, working for the Access Services team. She is also a core member of the Marketing Communications Team, assists with the design of the Medical History Center exhibits, and provides logistical support for the library's media discussion groups.
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