Understanding Open Access

Open Access at Lane Library

The following list outlines the discounts on article processing charges available to Stanford affiliates through Lane Library's subscriptions and negotiations with publishers. This list will be updated over time. You can see all the open access journals that Lane Library currently has cataloged in Lane Search.


A 50% discount on APC's is available to Stanford authors publishing Open Access in these subscribed Bioscientifica titles:

  • European Journal of Endocrinology

  • Journal of Endocrinology

  • Reproduction

Stanford authors looking to take advantage of this discount should state they wish to publish OA and confirm Lane subscribes to the journal during the submission process.

BioMed Central

From January 2006 to the present, Lane Library has been a BioMed Central Supporter Member which entitles all Stanford authors to a 15% discount on APC's for articles selected for publication in any BMC or SpringerOpen journal.

Company of Biologists

Stanford authors can publish open for free in Development, Journal of Cell Science, and Journal of Experimental Biology.
In 2021, Stanford Libraries signed a Read & Publish agreement with Company of Biologists. All Stanford authors are to claim Stanford University affiliation and use their Stanford email address when requesting to publish open access for free.


Publishing in this medical journal is free and all articles are open access.


Lane currently has a deposit that covers the article processing charge for accepted papers by current Stanford authors.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 

 Stanford authors receive a discounted open access fee of $4,975, compared to $5,475, to publish open because Stanford has a site license.

Science Advances (AAAS)

As of 5/2020, Stanford authors are eligible for a 15% APC discount.  AAAS members also receive a 4% discount on APCs.