Navigating Stanford Research Tools

Stanford Research Resources

STanford Research Repository (STARR) Tools

SOM's approved resource for working with clinical data for research purposes. The STARR IRB permits the collection and aggregation of all data generated at Stanford for clinical care purposes, and articulates the formal approval process each research project must follow in order to obtain and work with this data for research purposes.

  • Cohort Discovery - All clinical data at Stanford Medicine is available for research. Ability to search for text in clinical documents and reports. Lets you count the approximate number of patients with the clinical characteristics of interest. If enough patients are found suitable for study, you can then save the list for subsequent online review of their charts.
  • Compliance - To work with detailed clinical data for research purposes at Stanford Medicine, you must have either a valid IRB protocol or a letter of NHS Determination from the Stanford IRB.
  • Chart Review & Data Download

Stanford IRB

Stanford Medicine Research Office

Provides services to support researchers in conducting rigorous, high-impact research; here to help you throughout the research process.

Stanford Data Science Resources

Provides resources to educate the Stanford community on available datasets, research technologies, and consulting groups.



  • Qualtrics - easy-to-use, full-featured, web-based tool for creating and conducting online surveys
  • REDCap -  secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases; international consortium
    • RedCap is a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases, whereas Qualtrics is web-based software that allows the user to create surveys and generate reports without having any previous programming knowledge.
  • Other SDSR tools available for you
  • NVivo - available from UIT as a desktop application for qualitative analysis
  • Google Forms